Recent Inspection Closes Justell Bridge in Floyd Co.

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

PRESTONSBURG—The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet advised on Friday the immediate closure of the Justell Bridge along KY 2557 in Floyd County, located .2 miles West of US 23.

They said in their release that a recent inspection of the bridge revealed structural issues that require immediate attention and for that reason, decided to close the bridge.

“Our top priority is the safety of the driving public,” the release said. “This closure is essential to prevent potential risks associated with the bridge’s current condition. Currently, temporary barricades have been placed at each end of the bridge preventing traffic flow.”

They also said in the release that permanent barriers would be installed on Tuesday, Sept. 5.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet said in the release that they are working on developing a temporary repair and will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

Andrew Mortimer