Lawrence County Sheriff’s office releases paper service for Oct.-Dec. 2023

The following is a listing of all types of documents released by Sheriff Chuck Jackson with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s office for paper service.

The office served 79 civil documents; 14 eviction notices; 5 criminal summons; 13 Emergency Protection Orders (EPO); 6 juvenile summons; and 3 subpoenas; 275 vehicles inspections were done; 32 CCDW Licenses; 13 courted ordered transports; 12 cases presented to the Grand Jury and a total of 743 911 calls responded to.

The sheriff’s office also had 61 arrests and 14 citations during the 3-month period.

You can also still drop off your unwanted prescription drugs at the Sheriff’s office, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. No needles, liquids, blood test kits, inhalers or thermometers are accepted.

Numbers on houses and mailboxes should be checked often for anything that might obstruct the view of first responders who might need to find your home.

Numbers placed in a well-lit area and reflective numbers on mailboxes are ideal, taking these factors into account make all the difference with response times. Reflective numbers/letters can be found at any local hardware store.

Call the Lawrence County Sheriff’s office if you have questions or concerns at 606-638-4368.

Andrew Mortimer