Lawrence County school board holds regular meeting

LOUISA — The Lawrence County Board of Education’s regular meeting was held at Blaine Elementary School inside the gymnasium on March 20.

Board members Jim See (chairman), Maddlene Roberts (vice chair), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present in person.

The first order of business was the approval of the agenda. Roberts made a motion, and Skaggs seconded the motion. The motion passed.

In student/staff presentations and recognitions, Superintendent Dr. Robbie Fletcher gave a moment of silence for two Lawrence County School District employees, Betty Jean Moore Compton and Edmond Daniel Preece. Compton served as a teacher’s aide, while Preece served as a substitute teacher. Rice discussed her memories of Compton as being a very sweet lady. Mr. Dixon expressed his appreciation for Preece, citing his military service and insightfulness toward life.

Ms. Reynolds and librarian Ms. Cooper at Blaine Elementary worked with students on a new media and technology program entitled Blaine Elementary News. Students are utilizing new media equipment, including a green screen, cameras, and microphones. School officials said the students did an amazing job in their first BES News broadcast. The teachers discussed their goal for the students, which is to be completely self-reliant. They want them to operate the media equipment, video, and edit materials. Next, Ms. Ferguson and Ms. Arrington gave a presentation on the 4 R’s at BES. They discussed the ways teachers and school is working hard to make sure students are utilizing these motivational priorities.

Fletcher provided the superintendent’s update. He said the month of March is dedicated to Music in Our Schools. Lawrence County High School will host a district concert, and a Hall of Fame ceremony was conducted March 22. Fletcher said there are several education-related bills that are currently on the governor’s desk for approval. There is a bill relating to payroll deductions, a process for parent challenges on material/curriculum that is harmful to minors, and an extension for bus driver medical exams for two years. Fletcher and Mr. Burns are currently working with the Kentucky Department of Education in allowing a local veterans’ group to utilize a piece of property for the use of a veterans’ memorial.

Fletcher also said Big Sandy News and Levisa Lazer representatives have been contacted concerning the posting of the recall notice, in reference to the double-nickel tax.

Preschool and kindergarten registration is set for Blaine, Fallsburg, and Louisa East. The school district received a $9.28 million grant for the construction of the new vocational building. There have been modifications made to the plans, giving the JROTC 15-foot ceilings for practice needs. The LAVEC design plans are to be presented at the April board meeting. Thanks were given for all of the community support for the LCHS Lady Bulldogs for their first-ever regional championship. Fletcher thanked Doug Ison and Heath Preston and family for their donations to the Jacob’s Ladder Scholarship Fund. See asked for public comments, and there were none during this meeting.

In student learning and support services part of the agenda, the board approved the minutes of the February 21 regular meeting and March meetings to include the March 2 special meeting, the March 15 double nickel equivalent tax levy hearing, the March 15 special meeting, and the March 16 special meeting. Finance officer Brandi Peters gave the monthly financial report. The beginning balance is $13,678,450. The total revenue is $3,866,125. The expenditures are $2,370,539. The Fund 1 balance is $3,220,410. The ending balance came in at $6,607,912.

In the consent agenda, the per diem and expenses for the board members in attendance. In the contract and services, there is a rental space agreement with The Junction with the Garden Theater for LEES. Top Hat Marketing has been reserved for a program on kindness and respect for LEES/LWES for May 15 for $700. Top Hat has also been reserved for a program on child abuse awareness for FES on April 13. A memorandum of understanding has been set with UK Cooperative Extension for free nutrition education. FES has requested an 8th-grade trip to Great Wolf Lodge. There are several out-of-state trip requests from groups, including the LCHS government class to The Greenbrier and a LCHS overseas trip to France and England.

In construction/building and grounds projects/updates, the softball facilities building has been delayed due to a paint shortage issue. The construction company hopes to get materials in soon to finish the project by the due date. The LCHS football field installation agreement was tabled due to an issue with the addition and discrepancy of an added tax amount on the project.

In other action, Ms. Webb discussed the 2023-2024 Lawrence County District Improvement Plan. There is a partnership with KEDC where teachers and administrators from across the district attend learning sessions in the subject areas of science, math, and ELA. Ms. Webb discussed that first- and second-year teachers are receiving monitoring and coaching from a district resource teacher. There are new textbooks committees working on submitting recommendations to the superintendent. In the Really Great Reading program, there is focused instruction on phonics in grades K-2. There was great information presented about Bridge Day 2 and the discussion of social-emotional learning. Ms. Brady is continuing work on the LCHS Comprehensive District Improvement Plan. The LCHS graduation date was set for May 19 at 7 p.m. A letter of intent and data sharing agreement was approved for FES and LEES for their participation in elementary STeLLA Scale Up and Sustainability project cohort 3. There was a motion to amend the 2022-2023 school calendar, which was approved. Phillip Hunt (with Debbie Cordle) was appointed as the agent of record regarding district insurance.

In personnel, the board approved acknowledgment of receiving the superintendent’s personnel action/updates.

Andrew Mortimer