Aspire! Conservatory to open Louisa location

Aspire! Conservatory will open its new location in Louisa in July at Louisa United Methodist Church.

Aspire! Conservatory will open its new location in Louisa in July at Louisa United Methodist Church.

LOUISA — For six years, Aspire! Conservatory has been a leading program in fine arts education and activities in the tri-state area.

By hiring only professionals to teach music lessons, art classes and educational theatre, Aspire! has earned a strong reputation for providing high quality education, and gained a large following of supporters in the community. Aspire! Conservatory is currently serving nearly 270 students each week and is hosted by First Baptist Church of Ashland.

After receiving requests to expand into the Louisa area for nearly two years, Aspire! Conservatory is announcing that it will open its second location, in Louisa, in July.

DeNeil Hartley, administrative director of the program, said the new Louisa location “seems like a dream come true.”

“Everything suddenly aligned and the timing was exactly right,” Hartley said. “I am thrilled to be able to serve Louisa and its surrounding area, and to work with Annie Johnson as site administrator for this new location.”

Recently, Aspire! signed an agreement with Louisa United Methodist Church, which will host the Louisa program. Aspire! Assistant Administrator Annie Johnson will be the new site administrator for the Louisa program. Johnson, who previously taught public school music, is a native of Lawrence County and grew up attending LUMC. Robin Adkins, a member of the LUMC Administrative Board, along with Scott Smith, band director at Lawrence County High School and pianist at LUMC, played key roles in presenting the idea of hosting Aspire! at the church. The church also hosts a youth basketball program.

Pastor Dan Smith, who played trumpet in his high school and college bands, is especially excited about hosting Aspire! Conservatory. Smith recalled that earlier in his career, he proposed an arts program at another church he pastored.

Aspire! will hold summer camps for piano, art, and music in July to kick-off the program. Official fall semester classes for the Louisa location will start Aug. 23.

Aspire! Conservatory – Louisa will offer private music and art lessons, and group classes in piano, art, and theatre. Aspire! will also be introducing its new “Aspiring Young Musicians” program of music readiness for ages 3-5.

Andrew Mortimer