KHSAA approves waiver for Bylaw 9
LEXINGTON — The Kentucky High School Athletic Association approved a recommendation Thursday for a waiver for Bylaw 9 for the 2020-21 season only in response to Covid-19 participation concerns, allowing basketball student-athletes to compete in outside events and leagues up until the start of official practice. The KHSAA Board of Control authorized staff to submit competition plans for fall sports to KDE and KPHD, including competition limitations for individual sports.In addition, the KHSAA reviewed a report from the KMA Sports Medicine Committee on Return to Play guidelines.The KHSAA granted the Commissioner authority to coordinate the calling of a special Board meeting in the event of a statewide shutdown of interscholastic competition by the Legislative or Executive Branch (including the Department of Public Health) or the fall sport plan is not approved.In another move, the KHSAA approved an expenditure by the Association to seek additional insurance coverage related to Covid-19.