Joe Damron Memorial Golf Tournament Slated for Sept 3

The Fort Gay High School Alumni Association will host the Joe Damron Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 3, at Eagle Ridge Golf Course, Yatesville Lake State Park, 1410 Golf Course Road, off Rt. 32, West of Louisa.

The Alumni Association has been hosting an annual golf tournament since 2000 to raise money to support an endowed scholarship it established and funds through the Marshall University Foundation. The tournament was renamed in 2013 to honor the tournament’s previous director.

The event is a major source of revenue for the scholarship. Each year a graduating senior at Tolsia High School, Fort Gay, is awarded a four-year academic scholarship to Marshall University. The scholarship program has funded over 50 scholarships since its initial grant in 1999.

You can also sponsor a hole for $100. The entry fee is $50 per person, or $200 for a team of four persons. There also will be prizes and awards.

To register contact Tim Preston, Golf Tournament Chair at 606-483-0945, or Drew Waller at 304-617-2744. Makes checks payable to FGHSAA and mail to FGHSAA, P.O. Box 605, Fort Gay, WV 25514.

Andrew Mortimer