Test Scores: Majority of area schools performing on medium level


BSN Editor

The majority of schools in the Big Sandy region are performing on a medium level based on results from Kentucky’s new testing system.

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) released annual School Report Card data from the 2021-2022 academic year on Oct. 18, as required by statute and under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.

Assessments were fully administered to more than 383,000 students in grades 3 through 8 and 10 through 11 during the spring. Accountability and federal statuses – such as Comprehensive School Improvement and Targeted School Improvement – are being reported for the first time since 2019.

“As expected, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our students and our schools as they continue to recover from the interrupted learning that occurred over the past two years,” said Education Commissioner and Chief Learner Jason E. Glass. “These assessment results will serve as the baseline from which we will move forward as we look to new and innovative learning opportunities for all of Kentucky’s students.”

Glass said Kentucky’s results are consistent with what other states are experiencing.

“There will be no quick fix for the challenges our students endured during the pandemic,” he said. “It will take time and resources.”

This year’s assessment and accountability report cannot be directly compared to previous years due to significant changes in the assessment and accountability systems, state education officials said. Beginning this year, Kentucky’s 2022 School Report Card will feature the state’s new color-coded accountability system, which was previously a 5-star system.

Using data from the 2021-2022 school year, the accountability system provides a color-coded rating for all schools at each level (elementary, middle, high) ranging from red (lowest) to blue (highest). Districts and the state receive a separate color-coded rating for each level of schools (elementary, middle, high).

Four of the 36 schools in Lawrence, Johnson, Floyd and Martin counties performed at the green (high) level, 18 were at the yellow (medium) level and 14 at the orange (low) level.

No area schools performed at the blue (very high) or red (very low) levels.

Green schools are Fallsburg Elementary (elementary students), Paintsville High School, John M. Stumbo Elementary (middle school students) and May Valley Elementary.

Yellow schools in Lawrence County include Fallsburg Elementary (elementary students), Blaine Elementary (middle school students), Louisa East Elementary and Louisa Middle School.

Johnson County yellow schools are Central Elementary, Flat Gap Elementary, Highland Elementary, Porter Elementary, Johnson County Middle School, Johnson Central High School, Paintsville Elementary and Paintsville High School (middle school students).

Floyd County’s yellow schools include Allen Elementary (elementary students), Betsy Layne High School, John M. Stumbo Elementary (elementary students) and South Floyd Elementary (middle school students).

Eden Elementary in Martin County is also a yellow school.

Orange schools include Blaine Elementary (elementary students) and Lawrence County High School in Lawrence County; Allen Elementary (middle school students), Betsy Layne Elementary, Duff-Allen Central Elementary, Floyd Central High School, James D. Adams Middle School, Prestonsburg Elementary, Prestonsburg High School and South Floyd Elementary (elementary students) in Floyd County; and Inez Elementary, Warfield Elementary, Martin County Middle School and Martin County High School in Martin County.

Andrew Mortimer