See selected as school board chairman

LOUISA — The regular meeting of the Lawrence County Board of Education was held at the Lawrence County High School Library on Jan. 17.

All board members — Jim See, chairman; Maddlene Roberts, vice chair; Barbara Robinson; and Garnett Skaggs — were present in person.

Before the meeting began, Skaggs and Roberts, who were unopposed in last November’s election, were sworn back into their positions. Skaggs has remained on board for 13 years, while Roberts has served for 20-plus years.

The first order of business was to approve the agenda and attend to organizational items. Each January, the board is required to appoint a chairperson and a vice chairperson. See was nominated by Roberts to act as chairperson and was seconded by Skaggs. Roberts was nominated by Skaggs to act as vice chair and seconded by Robinson, and the motion passed by consensus.

The next order of business was setting the schedule of the regular board meetings for the 2023 calendar year. Voting determined the location of meetings to be held at the library of Lawrence County High School. The location will only change during March to Blaine Elementary School and in October to Fallsburg Elementary School. The dates are set as the third Monday of each month, except for January and February, as they will be held on the Tuesday after because of federal holidays. The time for all regular meetings is set for 6 p.m.

In student/staff presentations and recognitions, a moment of silence was given for Jim Shannon and Tammy Jackson, who recently died. Shannon was a well-known member of the community. He worked at the school district as a computer technician and bus driver. Jackson was a bus monitor and was remembered as having a great love for the students in her care.

Next, Superintendent Dr. Robbie Fletcher highlighted and presented board members with a proclamation from Judge-Executive Phil Carter. There were also certificates issued by the Kentucky School Board Association presented to each of the Lawrence County board members for their work and dedication to the school system.

In the superintendent’s update, Fletcher discussed that the county government has started the dirt removal process for the high school turf project. He said the county’s efforts will save the school system an estimated $60,000.

Fletcher also reviewed the Local Planning Committee’s District Facilities Plan revisions recommended by the Kentucky Department of Education. He also said the Eastern Kentucky Elementary Conference Tournament ended with Blaine Elementary cheerleaders winning first place and Louisa East winning the A, B, and C team championships. Fletcher reflected on the way the elementary teams cheered each other throughout the season. The LCHS girls’ basketball team won the 2A sectional championship and competed in the state competition.

Fletcher said the drafting phase of the Lawrence County Portrait of a Graduate is continuing to be developed. The central office administration is completing a second round of classroom walk-throughs. The focus is on questioning techniques and the gradual release model.

Fletcher said LCHS Principal Myram Brady has been collaborating with Morehead State University to establish a future teaching program in Lawrence County.

Fletcher said he continues to participate in legislative updates and discussions as part of the Local Superintendent’s Advisory Council.

In public comments, a question was raised about how the Lawrence County curriculum is selected. Fletcher also addressed a question from See concerning the selection of curriculum in each school. While there are local textbook committees appointed that focus on curriculum issues, Fletcher has the final say on these issues.

In student learning and support services, the minutes for Dec. 19, 2022, regular meeting were approved. The claims and orders of the treasurer were also approved. There was a discussion of a $363,000 energy bond payment, which will be paid off in 2027.

The monthly financial report was provided by finance officer Brandi Peters. The beginning balance for December 2023 was $14,163,447, with the total revenue being $2,000,431. The expenditures for the month totaled $1,991,630. The Fund 1 cash balance for December was $2,686,330. The ending balance of all funds was $14,463,828. The balance sheets reflect the balance for each fund as of December 31, 2023.

The 2023-2024 draft budget meeting date and time were set for Jan. 31 in the LCHS Library at 6 p.m.

In the consent agenda, board members will attend the KSBA 2023 Annual Conference and training. Several contracts and memorandums were on the agenda. There were several LCHS fundraisers from the Blaine Elementary and LCHS. A request for assistance was brought forward by Louisa East Elementary School for families facing financial difficulties. All were approved by the board.

In construction projects and facility planning, the Local Planning Committee (LPC) approved the draft of the District Facility Plan (DFP). There has been a total of five LPC meetings and three public forums. The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) returned the DFP with revisions and suggestions. One of the biggest changes to the plan was to Blaine Elementary School. The plan originally had a new box gymnasium being built for the school. But the new plan has a new cafeteria being built, with renovations to the existing gymnasium. There were also some priority-list changes, because of the 30-year rule, which states that if a section of a building needs renovation and is over 30 years old, it cannot be listed as priority one construction. Some of the renovations listed in the priority one section had to be moved to priority five because of the rule. Board members set the date of a DFP public hearing for Jan. 26 at 5:30 p.m. in the LCHS Library. Paul Cindy will conduct the meeting.

In relation to the softball facility project, an invoice was issued for the professional services of Ross Tarrant Architects for a total of $1,051.59. Also, there was a completion date change due to adverse weather conditions and delays. The delay was for eight days, which moved the completion date to June 29. There was also an invoice for L.E. Gregg for services for the LCHS softball fieldhouse for $2,700. Board members approved the design of the LCHS turf football field project. There was a discussion about having either gray or yellow lines for soccer. Design A, with the gray lines, was chosen by board members.

Fletcher explained once the dirt has been completely removed, gravel will be added to the field. It is estimated, with good weather, the construction may take eight to 10 weeks.

In other action, the Post-School Predictor Implementation Project ARP ESSER Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Kentucky, the Kentucky Department of Education, and the Lawrence County School District for Jan 20, 2023, through Sept 30, 2024, totaling $150,000 was approved.

The board entered into an executive session for a student discipline/expulsion hearing. There will be a Special LC Board Meeting held on Jan. 31 at 6 p.m. in the LCHS library. The next regular board meeting will be held on Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. in the LCHS Library.

Andrew Mortimer