“Ride for Ryan” planned for Aug. 10 in Louisa

By Roberta Cantrell

BSN Editor

A ride that began six years ago for Darrick Ryan Preston, 3, son of Whitney Preston to raise money for funeral expenses after he suffered from Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) now honors him by helping children with similar medical conditions.

“Ride for Ryan” is now an annual event and everyone who is planning to participate is asked to meet at the Louisa Plaza in the old Foodland parking lot Saturday, Aug. 10.

Registration will begin at 11 a.m. The costs for singles is $10 with couples, $15. Kickstands up at 1 p.m.

There will be food and beverages, T-shirts, koozies and raffles.

This year all of the proceeds will be going to one-year old Benjamin Silas Lycans.

Benny was born with a very complex heart disease that led to many other serious health conditions and eventually ended up with a heart transplant.

Bennie’s mother Sarah Lycans said she gives God all the credit for making her young son a fighter. “I had been praying to God even while I was pregnant with Bennie that I wanted to be closer to Him and for more people to get their eyes on Him and boy did He deliver because if you read about Benny’s journey and it doesn’t open your eyes, I don’t know what will.”

Like Ryan, Benny’s condition has most of the same diagnosis and according to his mother he is receiving miracles in his recovery.

“I thank God all the time my baby is alive and doing so well especially after four open heart surgeries,” said Sarah. “I already feel like Benny’s story has helped, he’s been such a fighter and a miracle and we will continue to spread his story and God’s miracle and blessings.”

Andrew Mortimer