Rates for transfer station increase

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA —The Lawrence County solid waste coordinator announced Thursday rate increases for the Lawrence County Transfer Station, effective Jan. 20, and also that it will not be open on Saturdays for the remainder of winter.

“The Lawrence County Fiscal Court has always tried to operate a transfer station at the County garage as a service to the citizens of Lawrence County,” Judge-Executive Phillip Carter said. “The Fiscal Court has always tried to keep prices as low as possible while only trying to break even with consideration to the amount of money collected and expenses incurred. With the rising price of fuel and increases at the landfill the last few years, the Fiscal Court has still been reluctant to raise prices. However, with the losses totaling $3,000-$4,000 a month at the transfer station, the Fiscal Court has little choice but to raise prices in order to keep the service available for its citizens.”

The residential rate for a small truck such as a Ranger, Colorado, Dakota, etc., is $20 and the rate for the contractors is $25. The residential rate for a regular size truck is $25 and contractor rate is $30. The residential rate for a small trailer is $25, and the contractor rate is $30, while the residential rate for a medium size trailer is $60, and contractor rate is $75.

The residential rate for a large trailer is $200, the contractor rate is $300, while the residential rate for a pickup truck and small trailer is $50, while the contractor rate is $65.

The residential rate for a pickup truck and medium trailer is $65, while the contractor rate is $80. The residential rate for a one-ton dump truck is $60, and the contractor rate is $75, while the residential rate for a dump truck is $150, and the contractor rate is $185.

To dump a single item such as a couch, stove, refrigerator, etc., the residential rate is $15 and the contractor rate is $20.

For questions or more information, contact the Lawrence County Judge Executive’s Office or the office of the Lawrence County solid waste Coordinator.

Andrew Mortimer