New Treasurer Hired After 28 Years

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA — A new Treasurer was hired during the Lawrence County Fiscal Court meeting on Tuesday.

Sabrina Cantrell, who has been Treasurer for Lawrence County for the last 28 years, decided to retire and will officially leave her position at the end of the month. Cantrell will be replaced by former assistant county attorney, Joshua Puckett with a salary of $54,500 annually.

Lawrence County Judge Executive Phillip Carter thanked Cantrell for her many years of service to the county.

“Thank you for your service and I wish you and your family the best in retirement,” Carter said.

The fiscal court also approved the second reading of the budget which shows the General Fund with $2,928,706; the Road Fund with $4,094,050; Jail Fund, $588,488; L.G.E.A. Fund, $585,418; CBDG Fund, $750,050; Forestry Fund, $20,418; Clerk Special Fund, $23,506; ARPA Fund, $801,200; Opioid Settlement Fund, $150,050; E-911 & E-911 Cellular Funds, $369,700 for a total of all funds, $10,311,586.

The fiscal court approved the set salaries with a motion from Magistrate David Pinson, a second by Magistrate Mike Halcomb with Magistrate John Scaggs in favor.

Magistrate Rick Blackburn wasn’t present for the meeting.

The county was set to open bids, however, they only received one bid and FEMA requires two, so the court voted unanimously to not open the bid and to rebid.

The fiscal court approved to authorize the county clerk to advertise for bid surplus vehicles and equipment. They also unanimously voted to bid to advertise to purchase commercial property.

The fiscal court approved unanimously to approve an amendment to the Sheriff’s 2023 budget and the amendment to the Sheriff’s 2023 maximum amount for deputies and assistants.

Lawrence County Sheriff Chuck Jackson explained that the opioid settlement money needed to be included so that it shows it is coming in and possibly going out.

The court approved the Pine Hill Cemetery issues in that if a person qualifies for cremation, they will pay $1,000 and for regular burial $1,500.

The fiscal court also unanimously approved to set the speed limit for town hill road at 25 mph. Carter explained that it was a heavily used road with a lot of traffic and that it is a safety issue.

In other business, the fiscal court approved the minutes from the May 18, meeting and the June 15 meeting, the bills and the Treasurer’s report.

Andrew Mortimer