Martin Judge-Executive resigns during meeting

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By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

INEZ — Martin County Judge-Executive Bill Davis surprised everybody during a special meeting Tuesday afternoon by offering his resignation, effective March 26.

The meeting was held via Zoom for the purpose of approving the publication of accepting bids for park mowing throughout the county and financials.

Magistrate Jared Goforth made a motion to approve bidding out the park mowing with a clarification added that it would also include removing the trash from the fields and the trash cans on a weekly basis, which was seconded by Magistrate Victor Slone with all in favor.

A motion approving the financials minus the bill from Howell’s Recycling was made by Slone, but died for a lack of a second. It was then tabled until further notice as two of the magistrates lost their connection and the court no longer had a quorum to continue the meeting.

Magistrate Roger Preece attempted to call in, but because he could not be seen, he was unable to be confirmed as Preece, and the meeting could not continue.

Davis said he guessed there was no reason to adjourn since they no longer had a quorum and that he had something that had been on his mind for some time, and he was just going to say it and sign off.

“I’m officially offering my resignation, effective March 26,” Davis said. “I’m proud of what was accomplished. I believe my office has made a positive difference in people’s lives and I want to thank everyone.”

Davis did not offer a reason as to why he was resigning, but instead went on to say that he had been told by Rich Ornstein that the magistrates will need to have a meeting, get together and get a person to represent them so they can sign off on signatures and fiscal court matters until the governor appoints someone as a replacement.

“With that being said, I want to say bye and God bless,” Davis said

Andrew Mortimer