Martin County Fiscal Court recognizes Merit Scholars

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

INEZ — The Martin County Fiscal Court conducted its regular meeting on Thursday, during which members recognized two Martin County High School National Merit Scholars, Bobby Hale III and Tom Horn.

Martin County Judge-Executive Colby Kirk read a resolution recognizing Hale and Horn for their academic achievement.

“This is the first time in 20 years that two of our boys have been in the top one percent,” Kirk said.

The fiscal court unanimously accepted the sheriff’s excess fee in the amount of $3,292.36, as well as the Martin County Clerk’s excess fees in the amount of $35,000.

Martin County Clerk, Suzie Skyles explained to the court that it was only a partial settlement and that after the audit is finished, there could be an additional $5,000-$10,000 turned over to the court.

The fiscal court received one bid for fleet management from Enterprise Fleet Management and it was very detailed, so the court opted to table the vote until they have the opportunity to review all the documentation and then revisit it during the next regular meeting.

A motion to table the vote was made by Magistrate Derrick Stepp, seconded by Magistrate Jared Goforth, with all in favor.

The fiscal court also received only one bid for park mowing from B & B Contractors, in the amount of $41,975. A motion to accept the bid was made by Stepp, with a second by Magistrate Mark Blackburn, with all in favor.

The fiscal court received three bids for Trace Ridge Dump cleanup and opted to go with the lowest bidder, Kirk Excavating, who bid $50,000.01 for the project. A motion to accept the bid was made by Stepp, seconded by Blackburn, with all in favor.

The fiscal court unanimously voted to set the salaries for county offices. Kirk explained to the court that they were setting the salaries for the next term.

Kirk asked the court to allow him to go ahead and advertise for asphalt and it was unanimously approved.

Kirk reappointed two board members to the Martin County Water and Sanitation board. John Hensley and Greg Crum’s terms had both ended but they both wanted to be reappointed.

The fiscal court unanimously approved the Historic Martin County Courthouse HB 192 project.

Kirk asked that he be granted permission to advertise for roadside mowing. Magistrate Junior Hunt made a motion for him to advertise which was seconded by Goforth, with all in favor.

Kirk told the court that he didn’t know whether the fiscal court had ever applied for the Rubber Modified Asphalt grant but that he would like permission to apply. Goforth made a motion approving his request, which was seconded by Magistrate Roger Preece, with all in favor.

Kirk read a resolution to spend ARPA funds and he explained that it would be in the amount of $28,600 for the Martin County Public Library to make improvements to the Martin County community Center so that they could reopen the movie theater.

The court was to have had the first reading of an amendment to the flood plain ordinance, an update to comply with the state, however, it was 25 pages long and the court decided to table it until they could get a summation of the amendment during the next regular meeting.

In other business, the court approved the minutes from the Feb. 17 meeting, the March 1, special meeting; a designation of applicants agent resolution; the second-dreading of budget amendment #3 and the financials.

Andrew Mortimer