Lawrence Fiscal Court tables bid on industrial park property
The Lawrence County Fiscal Court opened bids for a piece of property at the Lawrence County Industrial Park at its meeting Tuesday, but tabled action until they could be reviewed by the county attorney. BSN photo/Lilly Adkins
By Lilly Adkins
BSN Associate Editor
LOUISA —Lawrence County Fiscal Court members opened bids for a piece of property at the Lawrence County Industrial Park at their meeting on Tuesday, but they voted to not accept a bid until they get with the county attorney and check everything out.
One bid was from Westech in the amount of $24,050, and the other was Martin Leasing in the amount of $40,100.
A motion to wait until the attorney’s review before selecting a bid was made by Magistrate Rick Blackburn, with a second from Magistrate Dave Pinson and all in favor.
The fiscal court also made a donation to the Kentucky Sheriff’s Boys and Girls Ranch. Lawrence County Sheriff Chuck Jackson explained that it is a week-long camp, but not Lawrence County’s local camp.
Blackburn made a motion to give them a donation of $250 and then make a donation for the county’s local camp, which was seconded by Pinson, with all in favor.
The court unanimously approved a proclamation declaring April as Spring Clean Up Month. Judge-Executive Phillip Carter said that the county has scheduled a cleanup for April 23, beginning at 9 a.m.
Deputy Judge-Executive Vince Doty said that Hibachi and Giovanni’s would provide refreshments at the Lawrence County Community Center afterwards and that they would also be doing a raffle to give out prizes.
Carter encouraged everyone to participate in the event and to help clean up the county. Jackson proposed creating a quick response team for the one Kentucky opioid settlement and said Deputy Tyler Laney would be the coordinator.
“It’s essentially the same as the impact program, but geared toward adults,” Jackson explained. “The QRT team would help prevent repeated overdoses by maintaining contact with someone who has suffered an overdose.”
Pinson made a motion to approve the proposal, which was seconded by Blackburn, with all in favor.
Carter said during the meeting that they needed a motion to give the parking lot at the beach back to The Cove.
Blackburn made the motion, which was seconded by Magistrate Mike Halcomb, with all in favor.
Carter asked the court to pass a resolution for the Mac Truck lease and said that it wasn’t due until June but said they have two now and he didn’t want to miss out.
Blackburn made the motion to approve the resolution, which was seconded by Halcomb, with all in favor.
Carter also asked the court to approve a resolution to apply for a Homeland Security grant. Halcomb made the motion to approve the resolution, which was seconded by Blackburn, with all in favor.
Lawrence County School Superintendent Dr. Robbie Fletcher said during the meeting that the school board had received the final blueprints and that they are going to see some construction on Bulldog Lane.
Fletcher also told the court that graduation is May 19 and that it is a busy time at the school.
Lawrence County Clerk Chris Jobe said he had a check for the fiscal court in the amount of $140 for his 2022 account in excess fees. Jobe also told the court that they will have to have a special meeting before the election and that they will have to form a three-person committee to look at reapportionment.
Jobe also asked the court to give precinct officers a raise because they are getting harder and harder to get them. Jobe said that they checked and other counties are paying an average of $200 for training and work and right now, while Lawrence County is paying $150. The fiscal court unanimously approved to raise the pay to $200.
In other business, the fiscal court approved the minutes from March 21 and March 29 meetings, the bills and the treasurer’s report.