Lawrence court approves budget
Lawrence County Judge-Executive Phillip Carter passed out bids to open during Tuesday’s fiscal court meeting. Bids were awarded for gravel, asphalt and pipe. BSN photo/Lilly Adkins
By Lilly Adkins
BSN Associate Editor
LOUISA — The Lawrence County Fiscal Court approved the second reading of its budget at Tuesday’s regular meeting. Lawrence County’s total budget is $7,403,063, which includes $2,679,399 in the General Fund; $3,145,993 in the Road Fund; $457,463 in the Jail Fund; $241,775 in the L.G.E.A. Fund; $454,545 in the CDBG Fund; $15,034 in the Forestry Fund; $54,833 in the Sewer Fees Fund; and $354,021 in the E-911 & E-911 Cellular Funds. The second reading of the budget was approved by Magistrate John Scaggs and seconded by Magistrate Dave Pinson, with all in favor. The fiscal court unanimously approved to set the salaries compliant to the state CPI and performance evaluation, with a motion from Pinson and seconded by Magistrate Rick Blackburn, with all in favor. The court also approved unanimously the Kentucky Association of Counties’ health insurance renewal rates per personnel board, with a motion from Pinson and second from Magistrate Mike Halcomb. Lawrence County Attorney Mike Hogan asked about the cost and how much it had gone up, and County Clerk Chris Jobe said that it goes up approximately $25 to $30 per year per individual. The fiscal court approved a resolution for coronavirus relief funds, with a motion from Blackburn, a second from Halcomb and all in favor. The court accepted the Lawrence County Health Department’s financial report, with a motion from Pinson and a second by Halcomb, with all in favor.
Court members also unanimously accepted the sheriff’s 2019 property tax settlement and the 2019 franchise settlement. Judge-Executive Phillip Carter asked the court to also approve payment of $1,500 to Althea Henderson for preparing the sheriff’s settlement, with a motion from Blackburn, a second by Halcomb and all in favor. Carter appointed Mark Lester to serve on the Lawrence County Public Library Board of Trustees through June 2024 with a motion from Pinson, a second by Scaggs and all in favor.
The court approved a lease with the University of Kentucky for community building office space, with a motion from Blackburn and a second from Halcomb, with all in favor. The court unanimously approved two House Bill 352 resolutions, one for Lawrence County Park improvements and one for the youth soccer field. The fiscal court opened bids for gravel, blacktop and pipe, awarding them to Lawrence County Sand and Stone, America Asphalt of West Virginia, Consolidated Pipe of Martin County and Kentucky Supply of Grayson, depending on what end of the county they were working in. In other business, the fiscal court approved the minutes of the May 19 regular meeting, the second reading of budget amendment #4, the bills, the treasurer’s report and the treasurer’s request.