Lawrence County students and staff quarantined

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA — Lawrence County Superintendent, Dr. Robbie Fletcher announced Sunday that they do not have students or staff members that have tested positive since they started in-person learning, but they have students and staff members that have been named as contacts in the contact tracing process. “We have a total of 10 contacts over the weekend that are associated with five different positive cases from outside the school system,” Fletcher said in the release. “As in all situations, quarantined students have been required to stay home and will be moved to Option:2 ALL IN @Home learning. Furthermore, quarantined staff members will be required to stay at home for the entirety of the quarantine period” Based on the information provided by Fletcher, there are two staff members from Lawrence County High School and Fallsburg Elementary being quarantined; seven students that will be switched to Option 2 learning with one from Lawrence County High School; one from Fallsburg; one from Louisa East; one from Louisa West and three from Louisa Middle as well as one student from Blaine who is already Option 2, learning from home. “All of these students and staff members were named contacts due to contact tracing to positive cases outside the school system,” Fletcher said in the release. “Currently we do not have a positive case in the school system. Students and staff members that have been quarantined must remain at home until the quarantine period has expired.”

Andrew Mortimer