Lawrence County launches ‘Operation Green Light’

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LAWRENCE COUNTY — To celebrate Veteran’s Day, the Lawrence County Judge-Executive’s Office launched “Operation Green Light” in which county buildings will be illuminated green Nov. 7-13.

The new national collaborative of the National Association of Counties (NACo) supports military veterans, as well as raises awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans and the resources that are available at the county, state, and federal level to assist veterans and their families.

In addition to lighting county buildings, residents and businesses are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their house to a green bulb. This can be an exterior light that neighbors and passersby see, or an interior light that sparks a conversation with friends.

“Since the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, our nation’s voluntary military force members and their families have made immense sacrifices for our safety and security over a two-decade period,” Lawrence County Judge-Executive Phillip Carter said. “Similar to the sacrifices of previous generations of our armed forces, this service to our country also often results in significant stress to many of the veterans and their families know that their service mattered, that we are grateful for their sacrifices, and that it is now our turn to make sure they are served by their county government and our community.”

Carter said that by shining a green light, “we let our veterans know that they are seen, appreciated and supported.

While the event is focused around the week of Veteran’s Day, participants are encouraged to continue shining the light year-round. Residents can share their participation on social media using the hashtag #OperationGreenLight.

Visit for more information and links to resources available to veterans.

Andrew Mortimer