Ky. 2565 Open for traffic

LC Dead Man's Curve pic.JPG

Ky. 2565 at Dead Man’s Curve in Louisa officially opened for traffic Monday afternoon. Highway District 12 officials said vandals had removed work zone barriers several times in recent weeks, including last weekend, which made people think the stretch of highway was already open. “Not only did this delay the official opening,” District 12 Paintsville Section engineer Doug Wright said, “it created an unsafe situation for anyone driving through the work zone. Road work may appear to the lay person to be finished when it is not.” Wright said an official announcement was necessary since residents have been “confused several times recently because some people have taken it upon themselves to remove signs and barriers, essentially opening the road illegally.” Final work finished last week. Work on Monday included setting bridge guardrail, installation of permanent signs, removal of work zone signage and traffic control devices, and general cleanup of the construction area. BSN photo/Brenda Hardwick

Andrew Mortimer