Fiscal court addresses routine business

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA — The Lawrence County Fiscal Court conducted routine business during its regular meeting on Tuesday.

The court approved a resolution and agreement for the $40,000 Blaine waterline extension project. Deputy Judge-Executive Vince Doty said that the waterlines have been extended and that this was the process they had to go through in order to receive reimbursement.

The fiscal court also approved a resolution and agreement for $226,005 in rural secondary road funds, with a motion from Magistrate Rick Blackburn, a second by Mike Holcomb with all in favor.

Court members also unanimously appointed Chuck Price to the housing board and Wes Kingsmore to the health board.

The court accepted the Lawrence County Soil and Conservation District’s annual report, with a motion from Blackburn, a second by Halcomb and all in favor.

The fiscal court also approved the first reading of the five-year solid waste plan, which Judge-Executive Phil Carter said is required by the state. A motion approving the plan was made by Halcomb and seconded by Blackburn, with all in favor.

The court also unanimously approved the sheriff’s 2021 gas and oil tax settlement with a motion by Magistrate Dave Pinson and a second by Blackburn, with all in favor.

In other business, fiscal court members unanimously approved the minutes of the Aug. 16 regular meeting and the Aug. 23 special meeting, the treasurer’s request, the second reading of budget amendment #1, the treasurer’s report and the bills.

Andrew Mortimer