Fallen Officers Names to be Engraved in Memorial in Washington D.C.

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

PRESTONSBURG —Thanks to the efforts of a Floyd County ninth grader, Olivia Tussey, both the Prestonsburg Police Department and the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office will be able to travel this week to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for National Police Week, where Captain Ralph Frasure, Patrolman Jacob Chaffins and Deputy William Petry will have their names engraved upon the Fallen Officer’s Memorial.

Prestonsburg Police Department (PPD) posted a photo and information regarding Tussey’s efforts.

“When we started this endeavor, we never imagined the expense that would come along with it, let alone to send two agencies,” the Prestonsburg Police said in their post. “Enter Olivia Tussey. Olivia is the daughter of two seasoned city employees, Michael, a Prestonsburg Fire Department Lieutenant and Jennifer, a senior dispatcher.”

The PPD said Tussey approached the police department and asked if she could help and asked how much they needed to raise.

“The price tag was $26,500,” the PPD said. “Today, with a donation of $10,000 from the Floyd County Community Foundation presented as a result of Olivia’s efforts, we cleared that goal by a few dollars. Because of Olivia, we are able to fund the entire trip for both agencies. This ninth-grader secured donations like this from MarkWest Energy, Big Sandy RECC, AEP Kentucky Power, Drains Unlimited, Nova, Inc. and many more.”

The Prestonsburg Police Department thanked all those that donated and said the outpouring of support from their community has been unwavering and overwhelming.

“Words don’t explain how much it means to us,” the police department said. “To Olivia, we love you. More than words tell. More than you know. Your mother and father have done an amazing job raising such a caring young woman. Your future is bright, never forget that.”

Andrew Mortimer