Cell Phones For Soldiers

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA — Lawrence County Judge Executive Phillip Carter posted on his Facebook page a request for any old cell phones or tablets to be dropped in a box located in the Lawrence County Fiscal Courtroom, on the second floor in the Lawrence County Courthouse.

Cell Phones for Soldiers is a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing cost-free communication services and emergency funding to active-duty military members and veterans. Since 2004, the charity has provided more than 400 million minutes of air time to servicemen and women deployed around the world, by recycling more than 25 million cell phones reducing the impact on landfills.

Cell Phones for Soldiers uses proceeds from donated cell phones to purchase international calling cards for troops to call home and to provide emergency funding to veterans.

According to their website, they recycle any and all cell phones and smart phones, working or broken; any and all iPads, tablets, and mp3 players, working or broken; chargers for phones, tablets, or mp3 players and any accessories such as cases etc. in their original packaging.

Donated phones are wiped of personal information and refurbished for sale or responsibly recycled in parts, the website said.

To learn more about the Cell Phones for Soldiers organization, visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/JoinCellPhonesForSoldiers or go to their website https://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/.

Andrew Mortimer