ATV Group Starts Go-Fund me for Local Child and Family

A GO-FUND ME account has been established for a very ill young boy named Gunner Stepp by an ATV riding group, Rush Cartel Group.

Gunner and his family (Jason and Brittany Stepp (dad and mom) and his brother and sister, live in Lawrence County. He attended Blaine Elementary School. He has been sick since birth. After seven years of testing, he was given a diagnosis of a very rare genetic mutation called Histiocytic Neoplasm. He has had his spleen removed, and he has had multiple blood transfusions. Now Gunner is 10 years old and has recently been diagnosed with an additional disease called Hepatopulmonary Syndrome; the only cure is a liver transplant. He must be on oxygen 24/7.

While waiting for a liver transplant, this precious boy deserves as normal a childhood as he can be provided. Gunner is in desperate need of an oxygen machine that can be transported, but insurance will not cover it.

Although, Gunner does have health insurance that covers a lot of his medical bills, his family incurs many expenses by making multiple trips to Cincinnati Children’s and staying with him when he is hospitalized.

Please help Gunner get the medical equipment he needs, and help take some stress off of his loving parents. Any donation amount is graciously appreciated.

All donations will go directly to Gunner’s family.

Andrew Mortimer