Paintsville Lake master plan subject of virtual meeting


BSN Editor

STAFFORDSVILLE – A virtual meeting is planned next week to get public input on the revision of the U.S. Corps of Engineers' master plan for Paintsville Lake.

A master plan “conceptually establishes and guides the orderly development, administration, maintenance, preservation, enhancement, and management of all natural, cultural and recreational resources of a Corps water resource project,” according to the U.S. Corps of Engineers.

The revision of Paintsville Lake's master plan, developed in 1974, “will not address in detail the technical operational aspects of the reservoir related to the water supply or flood risk management missions of the project,” the Corps said.

The planning process includes data collection, agency/public scoping, resource analysis, development of land classifications and resource objectives, agency/public review, finalizing the plan based on comments received, and adoption of the master plan revision.

To participate in the virtual public meeting, log in at and enter your name and email address. For the presentation’s audio portion, call 1-844-800-2712 Access code: 199 639 4239; security code: 1234.

Instructions for web access and phone-in are also available at

The public comment period will be open until March 25.

Opened to the public in 1983, Paintsville Lake consists of 1,139 surface acres, and the Corps of Engineers owns 13,156 acres of land surrounding the lake, with 57 miles of shoreline.

As described on the Corps’ website, the lake, which is approximately 18 miles in length, “gleams like a jewel in the crown of the mountains of Eastern Kentucky,” with “steep cliffs and wooded coves along the shoreline.”

“The lake provides 1,140 acres of boating, skiing and fishing pleasure,” the Corps says.

Andrew Mortimer