LC High School Sophomore Who Loves Trains gets Photos Published

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA —A 16-year-old Sophomore at Lawrence County High School, Waylon Moore loves everything about trains and in September, his photographs of trains were published in the Trains Magazine.

The magazine provides a gallery of Moore’s photos featuring seven pictures of trains, one that is a two-page spread, and he also said he will have a calendar published through Trains in 2025, which he is very happy about.

Moore loves taking photographs, whether it be of trains or nature and he also loves music, specifically the guitar.

“I’d like to be a guitarist or sound engineer, but after I graduate from high school, I want to be a conductor,” Moore said. “Photography is my passion.”

Moore learned how to take photos and to pose people by watching YouTube videos, and Tic Tok, he said, and does do photo shoots for people as well.

“I like to take photos for money instead of working in fast food,” Moore said. “I like to be unique with photography. Maybe later I’ll do some sports photography.”

Moore aspires to have a career with the railroad as a conductor and has already learned all of the signals as well as the meanings behind the toots from the train whistle.

“Once, I was taking a picture of a train and there was a railroad person there in his truck. He signaled for me to come over and I thought I was in trouble,” Moore said. “When I got over there, he reached down and grabbed a Norfolk Southern vest and gave it to me. I still have that hanging on my wall.”

Moore attributes his accomplishments to his mother and father and said that he thanks them for guiding him in his life.

Andrew Mortimer