LC Fiscal Court Appoints and Re-appoints during special meeting

By Roberta Cantrell

BSN Editor

The Lawrence County Fiscal Court met in special session Thursday, May 16, with an agenda that included first reading of budgets, appointments and re-appointments.

Regular meetings are held every third Thursday of each month however, due to election falling on that date this month the court had to call the meeting to order earlier than usual.

The first reading of the 2024-25 fiscal year budget was approved by the court and the second reading will be in June.

The fiscal court also reappointed Roger Lee Jordan to the Big Sandy Regional Jail Board and replaced Daniel Castle with John Mayo as a jail board member.

Gene Davis was appointed to the Fire and Rescue Board in the replacement of Neil Wilson.

The court re-appointed Wes Kingsmore as tourism director and Debbie Hill an ongoing member of the Lawrence County Tourism Board.

The Sheriff’s 2023 Franchise Settlement, 2023 Property Tax Settlement and 2023 Tax Settlement were approved along with the Treasurer’s monthly report.

With no further discussion the meeting was adjourned. Next regular meeting of the court will be June 21 at 10 a.m.

Andrew Mortimer