Lawrence, Floyd counties report new cases

BSN Editor

New coronavirus cases continue to be reported in the region, with two announced in Lawrence County and one in Floyd County on Sunday. The new cases bring Lawrence County’s total to four and Floyd County’s to 17. The Lawrence County Health Department said that the two new cases are both isolated at home and that the risk to the public is low. As of Monday, three of the county’s four COVID-19 cases were listed as active. A total of 455 tests have been performed in Lawrence County, with 451 negative results and no pending results as of Monday. “Please note that there are lag times for results as there are many laboratories providing testing in Kentucky,” the health department said on its Facebook page Monday. “We will try to keep the public updated as quickly as possible after receiving a confirmed lab report for COVID-19.” The department urged residents to “practice social distancing, good hygiene and stay at home unless you need to be out for essential needs.” The Floyd County Health Department reported Sunday that the one new case is “managing self care at home” and that staff members are “working to notify contacts regarding the need to quarantine.” “COVID 19 is still in the community and by following a few precautions we can help keep asymptomatic persons from spreading it and lessen the chances that folks become sick from it,” the health department said on its Facebook page. The health department recommended that citizens wear a mask when they go out; wash their hands often and avoid touching their face with unclean hands; and clean frequently touched places and items such as door knobs, faucets and countertops. “We understand the need to get our economy moving but just a few precautions can help decrease the risks to our people,” the health department said. No new coronavirus cases were reported in Johnson and Martin counties as of Tuesday morning, leaving their totals at four and three, respectively.

Andrew Mortimer