Last Lawrence County Fiscal Court Meeting 2023

By Lilly Adkins

BSN Associate Editor

LOUISA —Lawrence County Fiscal Court held their last regular meeting for 2023 on Dec. 19, during which they approved a proclamation honoring Lawrence County A and C Teams on winning the Tri-State Turf Bowl.

Lawrence County Judge Executive Phillip Carter said he was proud of them adding that this is the first time in the history of Lawrence County that C Team has won.

“We are going to have to do a pizza party or something for them at a later date,” Carter said.

Magistrate Mike Halcomb made a motion to approve the proclamation, which was seconded by Magistrate Rick Blackburn, with all in favor.

The fiscal Court approved the Sheriff’s 2022 Gas and Oil Settlement, with a motion from Blackburn, a second from Halcomb and all in favor.

The fiscal court upon the recommendation by Carter appointed Kevin Arbaugh to the housing authority. Gene Davis was also appointed as a North East board member.

The fiscal court unanimously approved the 2024 County Clerk’s budge as well as the 2024 County Clerk Deputy Salary Cap and the county clerk’s state advancement.

“I’ve never had to borrow money from the state, but we made a provision with the state like the sheriff’s office did so that we can borrow $30,000 to make payroll, during the shutdown on the motor vehicle side,” Jobe said. “We will be there and we will be training.

Lawrence County Tourism Director Wes Kingsmore presented the fiscal court with a copy of the Tourism Budget for approval.

Kingsmore thanked the fiscal court for all they do to work with tourism to help promote Lawrence County and said that tourism has also partnered with the U.S Army Corps of Engineers and the Health Department as well as others.

Blackburn made a motion to approve the budget, which was seconded by Halcomb, with all in favor.

“Thank you for all you do Wes,” Carter said.

Barry Webb, President of the Board of Directors at Webbville Volunteer Fire Department approached the fiscal court on behalf of the fire departments in requesting a $10 increase of the fire fee.

County Clerk, Chris Jobe, who is also a fire chief for Fallsburg Volunteer Fire Department explained that the ordinance regarding the fire fee had been implemented in Carter’s first term as County Judge in 2003, and that it had never been raised.

“I make a motion we accept it,” Blackburn said. The motion was seconded by Magistrate Dave Pinson, with all in favor.

Economic Development Director for Fivco, Max Hammond introduced himself to the fiscal court and told them that they could contact him at any time.

Each of the officials wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Deputy Judge Vince Doty also told the court that they had a Christmas Party for kids and that they were able to provide for 90 children.

“We had a good year, got a lot accomplished,” Carter said. “I hope to do more next year.”

In other business, the fiscal court approved the minutes from the Nov. 21, meeting; the treasurers report and the bills.

Andrew Mortimer