Applicants sought for vacant school board seat


BSN Editor

LOUISA — The Lawrence County Board of Education is accepting applications for the board seat recently vacated by Heath Preston.

Preston, who served as chairman, presented his resignation from the District 4 seat at the regular meeting of the school board Dec. 19, saying he and his family were moving to Northern Kentucky.

Preston served on the school board for 10 years and as chairman for eight years.

“It has been an unbelievable experience, and I have loved every minute of it,” Preston told the board. “I know I have put my whole heart into every decision and into every minute I spent representing Lawrence County Schools. I would like to thank the board for entrusting me to be your chairman for these past eight years.”

Applications for the vacant seat will be available today (Wednesday) through Jan. 18 at the school board office or online at

To serve on the board, applicants must be at least 24 years old and a Kentucky citizens for the last three years; be a registered voter of District 4; have completed the 12th grade or have a GED certificate; meet all other legal qualifications under KRS 160.180; and complete required annual in-service training.

Responsibilities of a school board member include setting policy to govern the school district; hiring and evaluating the superintendent; levying taxes; and adopting the district budget.

Andrew Mortimer